Abstracts should be submitted via online abstract submission system through conference website no later than February 28, 2015. Submitted abstracts can be revised using the Abstract Modification System on the website during the abstract submission period. |
Deadline for submission & modification: February 28, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2015 |
Please use online abstract submission system through conference website http://www.ic-kpba.org according to the submission formats. It is authors' responsibility to review the abstracts and correct them. Submitters are responsible for every typing error on the abstract. Abstracts will be published as submitted; i.e. any error appearing in the submitted abstract will appear in the published abstract book. An acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract will be automatically sent to the corresponding author by e-mail upon the on-line submission. |
Please follow these guidelines carefully. Failure to comply with the guidelines will prevent the abstract from being considered for presentation at the conference. | |
All abstract submissions and presentations must be written in correct form of English. | |
Abstracts must describe original and previously unpublished work. | |
The abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. Word count only includes text body of your abstract. | |
Abstract titles should be brief and reflecting the content of the abstract. | |
Tables and images are required to be uploaded as attached files. | |
You can save and re-edit your abstracts online until you decide to submit them via the abstract system. | |
When submitting the finalized version of your abstract, please fill all required fields in the online system. | |
Corresponding & presenting authors will automatically receive an e-mail confirming the acceptance of his/her abstract by March 10, 2015 . | |
Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the conference and presenters are required to register for the conference separately. |