On behalf of the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association (KPBA), it is our great pleasure to welcome all of you to the International Conference of the KPBA (IC-KPBA) celebrating the 20th anniversary. This is to be held in Grand Hilton Hotel, in Seoul, Korea from April 10 to 11, 2015.
The board of KPBA and the Organizing Committee of IC-KPBA have been preparing various programs to have a successful meeting. Six Symposia will be delivered by internationally well-known invited speakers. Also planned are Free Paper Sessions as well as Live Demonstration Sessions. The live demonstrations will be arranged for ERCP and EUS and they are from outstanding hospitals of Asia and USA. This conference will provide an open forum for exchanging new information and ideas related to the basic and clinical sciences in the pancreatobiliary fields.
The KPBA had experienced to be a successful host both of the Meeting of the 4th Asian-Oceanic Pancreas Association in 2011 and Joint Meeting of International Association of Pancreatology and KPBA in 2013. Based on the experience of hosting these international meetings, we assure you that our programs will be satisfied all participants and this meeting will give you an opportunity to meet old and new colleagues.
April is the most beautiful season in Korea with budding flowers and blooming green leaves all over the country. Organizing Committee of IC-KPBA would like to invite you with a warm heart and hope you can join this meeting and all participants may leave Seoul with unforgettable memories.
With warm regards,
Organized by Korean Pancreatobiliary Association
Business license no. : 312-82-71651
Copyright(C) BY Korean Pancreatobiliary Association. All rights reserved.